We would like to cordially invite you to attend our EMCO OPEN HOUSE to be held over 2 days
Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th October 2021, 9:30am to 4:30pm
Subject to any national Covid restrictions
Hayling Billy Business Centre, Furniss Way, Hayling Island PO11 0ED
Come and meet the team and find out more about our new products CNC Innovation, automation for Industry & Education
We will be showcasing a wide range of machines in our showrooms, including:
- Emcoturn E25, Maxxturn MT45 & Hyperturn HT45 range of CNC Lathes
- Emco E350 CNC Milling machine with Siemens Control
- Emco Industrial training Concept CNC machines
- Imes iCut Smart Water waterjet cutting machine
- Imes Compac 350 Pro micro milling machine
- Isel CNC Routers
- Makerbot 3D Printers
- Creaform 3D Scanners
and more
This will be an informal couple of days to showcase some of our
new products with refreshments and a buffet lunch.
We look forward to welcoming you.
You can RSVP by sales@emco.co.uk, call 02392 637 100 or via our Facebook event here
Our EMCO company opening hours are 9.00am to 5:00pm and 4pm on Fridays.